Linda Charles' RE-BOND series is a captivating homage to the enduring allure of the James Bond franchise, weaving together its cinematic, literary, and musical dimensions into a stunning visual narrative. Through 25 meticulously crafted artworks, Linda deftly captures the essence of key moments spanning six decades of Bond's legacy.
Drawing inspiration from her own fondness for the glamour of the Bond movies, Linda shares her journey of infusing the iconic elements of the franchise into her art. From the vintage charm of the early 60s with Matt Monro's rendition of "From Russia With Love" to the electrifying energy of the 70s and 80s epitomized by Carly Simon's "The Spy Who Loved Me" and Duran Duran's "A View To A Kill," Linda's collection traverses the rich tapestry of Bond's musical history. Culminating with Billie Eilish's haunting "No Time To Die," the series encapsulates the evolution of Bond's soundtracks over the years.
Linda's passion for both the Bond films and literature shines through as she seamlessly melds the pulp-style aesthetics of the original paperbacks with the iconic title tracks, creating a fusion that is both nostalgic and contemporary. Each artwork in the RE-BOND series, limited to just 45 editions per Studio Edition, serves as a testament to Linda's artistic vision and dedication to paying homage to her favorite franchise.
As Linda herself expresses, the collection is a labor of love, months in the making, with its launch timed to coincide with the 60th Anniversary of her beloved Bond movie, "Goldfinger." With RE-BOND, Linda Charles invites viewers on a visual journey through the timeless allure and cultural impact of James Bond, celebrating the franchise's enduring legacy in a truly unique and captivating way.