Set of three limited edition Glass Guitars
Elvis X Kosta Boda
Burning Love
Besides bearing the name of his last top-ten single, released in 1972, this gold-and-silver-spangled crystal guitar is a celebration of the dual quality that characterizes the essence of rock 'n' roll – and to a degree, Elvis' own life.
"I wanted to combine the almost ostentatious look with a sort of dynamic of opposites. That force field between tender and hard, sweet and rough, that is the source of so much great art."
Follow That Dream
The definitive imperative that inspired this crystal guitar, "Follow That Dream", is the name of both a 1962 film starring Elvis and its title song. Done with a mesmerizing, metallic light-blue coloration, it's best described by Kjell Engman:
"The early sixties are in many ways Elvis' peak period for me. It coincided with color film bursting onto the cinema screen, and a kind of everything-is-possible outlook on the future. It was an enchanted time, vibrant colors were everywhere, and what felt like at least one new Elvis movie a year."
With its classic shape and a coloration hinting at burgundy and dark wood, this guitar celebrates the 65th anniversary of Elvis purchasing Graceland (March 25, 1957).
"The unique piece represents what I like to call Elvis' acoustic foundation, an era that shaped him as an artist. lt's also a guitar type that is at the heart of the collection displayed at Graceland."
• Limited edition of 300 of each guitar
• Designed and handmade in Sweden
• Sustainable non-leaded crystal
• Premium packaging incl. a certificate of authenticity and an interactive brochure