#firstworldproblems for our Millenials becomes a fine art creation for Mr Controversial, reflecting humorous character traits all of us can relate to.
Want something truly unique? Commission an original painting or an original book cover like these examples here. Find Out more at Westover Gallery 01202 297682.
Your ordinary everyday life will be reflected in some way and instantly relatable making the ordinary extraordinary and hilariously absurd. "My aim is to make the viewer chuckle at the controversial nature of my work calling *B*U*L*L*S*H*I*T* on, and poking fun at Millennials and their ‘first world problems’ our digitised generation obsess over, from lifestyle choices, dating, fear of gluten to Social Media fame.
I use striking imagery distilled from vintage fiction and advertising, once relegated to the past in order to intrigue and entertain a generation of today." Mr. Controversial is a 30 something London based Artist who; transforms vintage imagery relegated to the past and brings it back to life with oil paint and relatable captions that tell comical, satirical and sometimes dark stories.'
Mr Controversial - Want to Know More - REGISTER HERE