Xue Wang's artistic background was originally in fashion. After obtaining a BA degree in Fashion in China, she relocated to London and finished her MA in the same field. Painting and drawing, playing around with ideas, juxtaposing images and allowing her imagination free rein have all helped guide her development as an artist. The self-reflective intimacy of art forced her transition from fashion to painting.
She explains;"I see art as a more direct way to express my creative ideas."
Xue explains that her creative impulse is driven by a fascination with childhood paraphernalia: dolls, toys, fairy tales, stage sets, fun fairs, found objects mixed with whimsy. These personal recollections are complemented by the cultural heritage of Victoriana, vintage fashion, film iconography, pin-up imagery etc. We cannot escape the past and our sweet yesterdays, whether imagined or real, they are my repository."